Do you keep choosing jobs that seem right in the beginning, but land you in burnout over and over?

You know need to make a change, but the idea of starting yet another career, just to end up hating it in a couple of years, makes you want to give up altogether.

You're good at what you do, but you're working way too hard to pull it off.

 You want to find work that comes naturally to you and doesn't leave you exhausted every day, but how


If you've followed the "rules" of traditional career
advice just to end up in another soul-sucking job, 
you are in the right place.

Shannon Post Headshot. A woman with blonde hair in a dark blue sweater against a snowy background.

"I’ll help you find a career that comes naturally to you, so you don’t end up in burnout over and over. " ~Shannon L. Post

Join me for 

Discover What You Were Born To Do® 

Learn how to find work you love from now on.

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What People Say About Working With Me

A professional woman in glasses and a navy blazer smiles confidently, standing indoors against a light background.

Candice Blacknall, MD

Founder at GABA Inc.

"Your personality is so warm and supportive. It was the perfect environment for me to ask questions and express personal doubts. It was also the perfect way to turn my Kolbe results into actionable changes.


A woman with glasses and long brown hair wears a colorful scarf and gray sweater, standing outdoors with a blurred cityscape in the background.

Megan Wildhood

Author, Editor & Writing Coach

"You're not a conventional coach/counselor/advisor and that's awesome because traditional, weirdly, has not worked for this erstwhile rule follower.

I cannot speak more highly of your integrity, rye wit, intuitive eye and efficacy in validating the humanness of the struggle to identify one’s work in the world."

A woman with long hair plays guitar and sings outdoors, wearing a cozy sweater and scarf, surrounded by a blurred, autumnal background.



"I think that, most likely, I would've given up on my dream career had it not been for the work we did.


If you're struggling, I want you to know two things...

#1 You Aren't Alone

Finding the Right Path Feels Confusing  for Everyone (Regardless of what their Instagram says)

#2 You Can Figure This Out

Everyone is capable of finding their true path. Alaskan winter mushing with a 12-dog team.

You are not the problem

You live in a society that demands conformity and doesn’t want you to trust yourself.

I promise you that no matter how lost you feel, how disconnected you are from your own desires, you can discover what you really want to do.

And I’m here to help you.

Join Now


I’m Shannon Post and what I know is, if you hate your job right now, it isn’t your fault. We live in a culture that depends on people believing work is supposed to suck. The good news is you have the power to change that. This is a skill you can learn.

I can also tell you that you're not alone. I searched for the work I was meant to do for well over a decade. I’ve had crappy minimum wage jobs and what on paper were “dream jobs.”  I was a professional classical singer performing on the most famous stages in New York City. I was a dog musher for a prominent Iditarod racer in Alaska. And I was a CIO and top senior IT executive leading teams in technology and mapping.

In each case where I had “made it” in society’s eyes, I was miserable. None of the jobs felt like me. 

I wasn’t fulfilled, I wasn’t fully using my natural talents (mostly because I didn’t understand what they were) and I wasn’t making the kind of impact I wanted to make in my world.

I’d tried to find the perfect career so many times without success that I thought something was seriously wrong with me. Like maybe I wasn’t allowed to have a career I loved and felt passionate about, or maybe having a career I was naturally good at was just a pipe dream.

If you can relate, you need to know that it’s not you. It’s the box you were trained by society to try to fit yourself into. That box, the traditional career path, doesn’t work for everyone—and that’s okay. There is fulfilling work out there that fits you & your personality like a glove. And it’s my goal to help you find it.

My work is informed by my own experience building careers in vastly different industries, over twenty years supervising, managing, leading, and mentoring employees. My own mentors, continuing education, and my studies at the University of Montana, the University of Virginia, and Stanford University. 

But the thing I’m most proud of is that, against all odds, the life I have now is the dream I had long ago. Alaska. Based in Talkeetna under the shadow of Denali and the Alaska Range. The ability to make an impact in people’s lives & improve the world around me. Alaska is breathtaking, and I am indebted to the Denaʼina & Ahtna people and their traditional territory where I now get to live & work.

I’m an INFP and my Kolbe index is 3-2-10-4. So I’m an introverted, empathic, innovative disruptor. I’ve been certified as a coach by Kathy Kolbe, a leading authority on human instinct, and Dr. Martha Beck, a Harvard-educated sociologist specializing in human behavior. 

I had a boss who said my results always broke the barriers of what he thought was possible.

Now I want to help you break the barriers you face and so you can change your world and the world of everyone around you.

Get Started Now


More Praise

A group of people wearing winter clothing and snowshoes perform yoga stretches outdoors in a snowy landscape, all extending one arm upward.

Diane Ziegner

Yoga Teacher & Owner at Studio Z Yoga

"This work has made me braver in putting myself out into the world as a yoga teacher. It’s helped me work more directly with my personal strengths and weaknesses. Even though I know myself fairly well, I didn’t see how I was holding myself back."

A man with short brown hair and a beard, wearing a black t-shirt, climbs an indoor rock wall with a focused expression, viewed from above.

Peter House

President of Deeptree

"By working with Shannon, not only did I discover my fire but I kicked the bottle over and let it spread like wildfire. Like Greek fire."



A smiling woman with short gray hair and star-shaped earrings poses against a black background, wearing a dark outfit with subtle sparkles.

Marilyn McCoy

Professor, Author & Mahler Historian

"Our work together has led to an explosion of understanding of what I want to accomplish in the world and in my life. I am more alert, awake, and aware, especially of myself."


Still have that one lingering question?

Let's hop on a call.

You can also email at [email protected].

"I think that, most likely, I would've given up on my dream career had it not been for the work we did."
- Aspenyarrow, Singer-Songwriter