Coffee on the Porch

Coffee on the Porch is a morning chat with just you and me, on the porch having coffee with my dog Olaf. As we talk about the deeper aspects of career development, you'll inevitably hear all the sounds of life here in Alaska. I rarely talk about resumes or job listings, there are already great resources out there for that. I'm interested in helping you find WHAT you want to be doing and HOW to get there, but not by giving you 12 "easy" steps, but by talking you through the messy, challenging, daily practice of creating a career you love. In all honesty, I've been trying to start a podcast for years now. I know how important hearing someone's voice can be when you are in the thick of it, and I wanted to give that to you. But the stars haven't aligned yet, so you'll have to do with just me on the porch. It's not fancy, but maybe that's better anyway. I hope you'll join me.

What People Say 

Candice Blacknall, MD

Founder at GABA Inc.

"Your personality is so warm and supportive. It was the perfect environment for me to ask questions and express personal doubts. It was also the perfect way to turn my Kolbe results into actionable changes.

Megan Wildhood

Published Author & Editor

"You're not a conventional coach/counselor/advisor and that's awesome because traditional, weirdly, has not worked for this erstwhile rule follower.

I cannot speak more highly of your integrity, rye wit, intuitive eye and efficacy in validating the humanness of the struggle to identify one’s work in the world."



"I think that, most likely, I would've given up on my dream career had it not been for the work we did."




Let’s start your exit plan now.